Very unexpectedly after the last month or so of posting a few of my erotic short stories, some of you have written me asking my advice and opinions on certain issues of love, sex and romance. — Now that’s funny, since I’m definitely no expert on love. (And I think you should run the other way as fast as you can if someone claims they are!)

Still, I try to share my little opinions for whatever it’s worth and from time to time I thought I might share a few. So, I’m posting this “question and answer” that you might find interesting. It’s been edited for clarity and her real name of course is omitted.

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Dear D’Marco,

I actually like your stories, it’s a good escape [because it makes me think], “If only real life relationships were like this.” But truthfully with men, I’ve basically given up on love. I’m not sure it exists. It seems more or less like a damn fantasy these days. Every time I believe in a man, I end up being lied to or disappointed and that shit really gets old. I’ve just got to a point where I do what I have to do to protect myself. Do you really believe in real love and soul mates?

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I do. But I also understand where you’re coming from. I’ve had moments where I felt that way also believe it or not. But yes, I absolutely believe in real love and soul mates, I just think too often many of us are not looking at the whole idea of love objectively.

I tend to think true love is so unique and exclusive and wonderful it “should” be rare. It should be kinda hard to find. Should true love be so common and easily attained that we could get it exactly when we wanted it? How special could it be if it were as common as walking down aisle nine in the local supermarket just to pick up a little “Everlasting Love”? Well I don’t believe it should be that easy. I say give true love a little more value than that.

I think part of the problem is far too many of us desire the elusive love so much, we enter into false relationships that are not right for us from the very beginning…perhaps it looked right on the outside, perhaps a child was born, perhaps we got caught up in the other persons potential, perhaps we were lost in their sex appeal, yet it was still not the right everlasting relationship for us no matter how much we fool ourselves into believing it is.

We stay in these relationships and precious time goes by, energy is wasted, hope fades, trust is compromised, tears fall, and when that false relationship inevitably crumbles, what do we do? We want to attack the legitimacy of love!… Huh??… Yeah, we’ll question love’s realness. Love isn’t down for us. It’s just a fantasy. But hold on, love is not at fault, she didn’t do us wrong. You may not like me saying this, but usually it’s “we” who are at fault.

I wish more of us began to look within ourselves first. Amazing how the answer is usually within ourselves even when it’s easier to blame those who have hurt us completely ignoring our own selection of this fool in the first place.

A little re-adjusting and repairing and strengthening of ourselves can go a long way in who we attract and ultimately getting what we deserve in a loving relationship. yes, with a little honest soul searching I think we might find love had her eye on us after all. We don’t find love, love finds us.

Just my two cents for whatever its worth.

Peace n’ Blessings


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~ by dmarcohill on July 7, 2008.

One Response to “LOVE IS A DIRTY SON OF A B@%$!”

  1. You are so right about that. Love has so many forms. I think about the love that I have with my husband. And it has changed in its chemical structure over time. Love has such a different quality now. Its not exiting but it is comforting.

    When I was single — I used to confuse love with passion. You can have passionate sex with a partner that just fantastic. But they may be inappropriate in so many other ways. Women…. in search of “Mr. Right”.. often settle for “Mr. Right Now.” I am not so sure that there is a Mr. Right. Or that we should even be focused on that at all. We try to mold men into what we need or want. We waste time with all that.

    Another thing that women tend to do is discount a relationship because it doesnt last. It isnt life long. I think its so rare that you cross the path of someone that you can really commune with in that sacred passionate place… we need to appreciate that. I am 40 now. And I have probably had only 3 really great loves. So its not often. The impermanence of the relationship doesn’t take away from the greatness of it. That is something I wouldnt have realized at 28.

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